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Energy Assistance Program - GAS & WATER


What help is available?

You may be able to get help paying your heating/cooling bills through our Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) or your water and/or wastewater bills through our Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP).

LIHEAP may be able to help you pay your home energy bills through:

  • Energy Assistance (EA) - A one-time payment for your primary heating bills from November - March.
  • Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) - Helps pay your energy bill when your energy is shut off, or is threatened to be shut off, even if you have not received a shut off notice. The amount of help you receive is based on the amount of money needed to settle your crisis with the energy provider.
    • Winter ECIP is available November through May based on funding. The maximum amount you could receive is $800.
    • Summer ECIP is available June through September based on funding. The maximum amount you could receive is $600.
  • Some contracted agencies may also provide emergency services such as blankets, emergency lodging, heating/cooling replacement or repair, window air conditioners, or wood stoves.

LIHWAP may be able to help you with a one-time payment for your water and/or wastewater (sewer) bill from November through September. The maximum amount you could get is $750.00. LIHWAP can help with:

  • Disconnection or reconnection fees
  • Threat of disconnection
  • Past due and current bills

Who is eligible?

You may be eligible for help if you:

  • Are responsible for paying the utilities for your home (including if you rent)
  • Are a United States citizen (or have been legally admitted for permanent residence)
  • Have $3,000 or less in your bank accounts, retirement accounts, or investments
  • Meet specific income guidelines

For more information about eligibility requirements, contact the Contracted Agency that provides services for your area.  Applications available at City Hall.